Join thousands of other health-minded people who've seen fabulous results with Kayla's detox plan.  This plan will help to jumpstart your weight loss, reset your tastebuds, reduce toxins, and energize your body!  AND, IT'S COMPLETELY FREE!
Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
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Benefits of the 7-Day Detox
Kayla Chandler, Holistic Nutritionist
Reduce Toxic Load
We come into contact with 100s of toxins on a daily basis.  Our detox organs can become over-burdened, so it's important to eat foods that naturally support those organs so they can do their job.  The foods on this plan support maximum detox.
Natural Weight Loss
This detox can help to jumpstart your weight loss efforts by quickly reducing water weight (AKA inflammation), cleansing excess waste in your colon naturally, and encouraging your body to burn fat by releasing stored toxins.
Reset Tastebuds
You'll only be consuming detoxifying foods for 7 days.  This will help to reset your tastebuds & reduce junk food cravings.  Most find themselves craving healthy foods after the detox.  For a longterm approach to healthy eating, see My Meal Plans
See What Others Are Saying
Natalie P.
"Kayla, your detox plan was a true lifesaver for me!  I've dealt with constipation for over a year and doing the detox has helped me to become regular again (even after the detox).  I also lost 7 lbs in the process!  I feel lighter, less bloated, and am now addicted to your detox smoothies... Lol!  Thanks again!"
Deborah W.
"I made it through all 7 days and lost a total of 12 lbs and feel AMAZING!  I did experience some detox symptoms in the first 3 days but after they passed, I felt super energized and clear-headed.  I will keep this detox on hand for anytime I need to "reset" and get back on track!  Thanks Kayla!"
Kathy S.
"I've done Kayla's 7-Day Detox multiple times over the past couple of years.  Why?  Because it works!  It's a great plan to have on hand anytime I've gone off track and want to bounce back quickly (i.e. after vacation!).  It really helps me to shed any excess weight quickly and resets my tastebuds to crave healthier foods again!
Kayla Chandler | Holistic Nutritionist | Copyright ©2019 | All Rights Reserved
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This detox plan is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult with your physician or other healthcare professional before beginning any new diet or natural supplement. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this program. This content within this program are for informational purposes only. Results are not guaranteed.